How Relationship-Based is Your Sales Process?

How Relationship-Based is Your Sales Process?

The latest and greatest strategy for digital experts right now seems to be paying for Facebook and Instagram ads to drive traffic to a landing page with a "personal" video of you explaining your offer to the prospect. What if you've tried that and it doesn't work?

A lot of people just try to build a better funnel without ever asking themselves the question... is this sale actually transactional enough for the funnel, or is it relationship-based?

Does the prospect actually need to hop on a quick call with me first before they can determine whether I'm the best fit?

If it's transactional and just a matter of making a snazzy landing page - get that done!

If it's the relationship aspect that's missing - you need to rethink your approach and maybe consider using LinkedIn to build up that rapport FIRST.

Let's discuss!!

Losing Deals? Speed Up Your Follow-Up

Losing Deals? Speed Up Your Follow-Up

LinkedIn Profile Mistake #1: Your Profile Looks Like a Resume

LinkedIn Profile Mistake #1: Your Profile Looks Like a Resume