Are You Talking to People in the Lineup

Are You Talking to People in the Lineup

If you've ever been surfing on a good day (next to "real" surfers - not just taking tourists taking a surf lesson in Waikiki), you know how intense the lineup can be! You don't talk - unless it's signaling to someone whether you're taking the wave or going left/right. The chatting doesn't happen until after you paddle in.

Interacting on LinkedIn can be similar. Some of the people you're trying to get into conversations with on LinkedIn may feel like their LinkedIn Messaging is "the lineup." It's strictly all about fielding what's there, and they may be less receptive if they don't already know you.

When this happens to you, how do you chat with them elsewhere? What are some other options?

I'd love to hear what you're trying on LinkedIn to chat with people you don't already know - what works, what doesn't?

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